No Name Ninja




BLOG TWO: We are the "Characters" for Our Country

               Where we are born makes us different people. Our nationality will be different, and our beliefs, how we feel, and what we think will also be different. We each are all different, which creates us to build up a “colourful” community. The character of each person gives others affects.

            Many of our characteristics come from our parents, and our parents get it from their parents. Not only your genes, but you are also affected by the culture of where you grew up in, or your nationality. That is called nurture, which means the raising of people in their childhood. It is said that about 70% of your characteristic is from your parents. It is because when we are small, we copy what they do. Children are parent’s mirrors. What children do shows how their parents are like. If your parent respects others, you might copy that and respect others, too.

Child are parent's mirror.

           The other 30% is made up by other people and the society. Your classmates, friends, and even your country affect you, too. If you see your friend doing something good, you will often do the same thing so that you can also be good. You can see that your characteristic is affected by what we see and what we feel.

              The effect each country’s unique culture also gives to our characteristics is strong. If I take America and Japan as examples, in America they point their chest to show “me”, but in Japan, they point their nose. Japanese tend to move around together, but Americans don’t. Japanese bow to show respect and thank, but American smiles and shake hands to express the same thing. Americans are moved by heroes, but Japanese are moved by sacrifice. Even the way of writing sentences, the direction cars drive in, and the traditional clothing is different. These change how we act to others. When Japanese point our nose to say “me”, some Americans don’t understand what they want to say. When an American says “Hi!” and hugs a Japanese person they’ve met the first time, the Japanese tend to be scared of that American. That means that the characteristics made from the culture creates different acts and reactions for each person.



Healthy Relationships

Emotions and Relationships

Everyday we feel happy, sorrow, angry, fun and many different kinds of emotions. Every human expresses emotion by laughing, smiling, crying, staring, and more. We have emotions to communicate with others and to create a society. Birds and monkeys communicate to create a community. Emotions are things to help us live through our life. However, there are some which can cause troubles to us. They are called negative emotions. For example, hate, envy, and jealousy are negative emotions. These can change life in a second.


Many emotions in us.

Envy and jealousy are very famous for breaking relationships. For example, if someone has something that you really want, you feel jealous. Some people steal things that they want, or start to find the negative parts of the person, attempting to lower their value. It seems ridiculous but it does happen in reality. Another example is when some people get jealous when their friend is talking with others that they aren’t friends with. The person feels sad and angry at their friend. This can also lead to bullying and create unhealthy relationships.

Relationship breaks by negative emotions.

            Envy and jealousy also comes from love. Especially during adolescence, we tend to care about the other gender. This is something normal; it happens in every single area. However, emotions created from love can be very dangerous. You can harm people very easily with it. Before, there were 4 girls. 2 of them rumored the other 2 that some boys like them. It was a lie with no evidence; however, because the girls spread the rumor to many people, they started to believe in it even though they had created the rumor themselves. The victims of the rumor were shocked and because of the jealousy from other girls, they were bullied by ignorance and backbiting.

Love may break relationships too.

            The negative emotions the people had in those situations I raised create unhealthy relationships and may break people’s heart. You can see that emotions are connected to relationships. I believe that they are the biggest reasons which cause both healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Negative emotions may create unhealthy relationships.

            The negative emotions are called negative; however, it is something we must have to survive. For instance, if someone took away our food and we didn’t feel angry about that, we would die. If we did feel anger, we would take it back or find a way to eat. As another example, if someone had an expensive car, a huge house, and good family, you would feel jealous. You can then start to improve yourself to also have the same things, or something even better. Having the negative emotions makes people have motivation, the will to try, and reasons to improve. If we didn’t have anger, fear, or envy, we won’t develop as a “human” right now.

            High school is said to be the hardest time in a person’s life. It is because of the emotions and relationships. When we are born, we only have simple emotions, like happy, sad, and fear. After we become older, we start to learn complex emotions. During our teens, we learn more emotions to communicate with others, but we don’t control them because we don’t know how to. In our adult hood, we start to notice that we need to control our feelings, and need to have empathy. By the time we are in our 40s, we understand our emotions well. But we can’t forget that, no one can ever control their own feelings. You cry when your parents die, you scream for joy when you win the lottery. High school is the time which creates many conflicts and also to learn new things. We need to understand that the negative feelings we create right now isn’t something bad. You need to take them positively, like thinking them as practice for your future, not to make the same mistakes. No emotions are completely negative, they are all there to help you way in creating your future.

Take everything positive.

*Some words are cut apart. It is because of the layout of the blog.

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